
Year of Prayer

We are thrilled to engage in the Chichester Diocese ‘Year of Prayer’ in 2018.

Enjoy your prayer life

Every household in our worshipping community has been given, as a Christmas present, a copy of 'Enjoying your prayer life' by Michael Reeves.

If you didn't get a copy, and would like one, just ask Tim.

Day by Day

Day by Day, is our fellowship's Prayer Directory, and includes on each day of the month, suggestions for various topics for prayer. All our members, who have chosen to be, are also included, with a photo, and contact details. It's terrifically helpful to put names to faces and faces to names and such a privilege to pray for one another personally every month.

We update it once or twice a year, so please ensure we have your current details.

Real Prayer

In the Spring Term our main teaching sermons, at 9am and 11.00am are taken from the series 'Real Prayer' and followed up and applied in Small Groups.


Psalms: Prayers of the Heart

 In the Summer & Autumn Terms our main teaching sermons, at 9am and 11.00am are taken from the series 'Psalms: Prayers of the Heart' and followed up and applied in Small Groups.