What does the bible have to say about God’s blueprint for flourishing human relationships? Here is our sermon series from 2014 on this issue.
12 January 2014 Genesis 3:1
19 January 2014 Genesis 19
26 January 2014 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
9 February 2014 Genesis 2:18-25
16 February 2014 Leviticus 18:22
23 February 2014 Romans 1:18
Further Information
Church of England - Living in Love & Faith - Christian teaching and learning about identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage
'Together in Love & Faith?' - Should The Church of England bless same-sex partnerships? A response to the Bishop of Oxford by Vaughan Roberts
The Church of England Evangelical Council - Living in Love and Faith
Living Out - Helping people, churches and society talk about faith and sexuality.
Living in Love & Faith - A biblical response by Martin Davie
This South Bersted PCC joyfully affirms the Church of England doctrine that marriage is between one man and one woman and is intended to be for life since we believe this to be the pattern given to us by God in scripture. We also affirm the blessing of celibacy - recognising the goodness of both biblical positions. We seek to provide good pastoral support for those who may struggle to live by the truth of this teaching and welcome all people to St Mary Magdalene, regardless of their sexual status or orientation. We seek to be a Church which is a loving Christian community, an extended family, and a place where we hold to a traditional Christian view of marriage and celibacy and to do so with grace and love. This PCC will not be offering the services and prayers for God's blessing outlined in ‘Prayers of Love and Faith,’ being proposed by the House of Bishops, because we believe they are departing from scripture, and we call them to rescind these current proposals.9th March 2023